Executive Coaching and Mentoring

This is a bespoke one on one coaching and or mentoring service, assessing and addressing the needs and concerns of the client. Some typical client concerns have been:
- Find difficulty in holding audience attention.
- Feel people don't take them serously.
- Find they avoid public speaking opportunities, then are disappointed.
- Being overlooked for promotions and spoken over at meetings.
- Feel their voice isn’t strong and authoritative.
- Are coming across as submissive or aggressive when communicating.
- Find nerves sabotage their communication.
- Managing emotionally charged situations.
- Developing high risk communication strategies.
- Mastering the art of the deal; powerful negotiation.
- Building stakeholder alliances.
- Inspriing influence by leading through Emotional IntelligenceCoaching sessions are usually face to face, of 2hrs duration and two to four weeks apart. Also, with a follow up between each session outlining key elements covered and pre-session coaching work.
Coaching sessions are usually delivered face to face, 2hrs in duration and between 2-4 weeks apart. We also provoide a follow up after each session.